Urgent (Emergency) Dental Care in Encinitas, CA
While regular dental visits and preventive care can help avoid many oral issues, there are instances where emergency dental treatment becomes essential. Our dentists at Millennium Dental in Encinitas, CA,..
Welcome to the New Year, New Decade & … New & improved Millennium Dental. Yes, you read that right. We learned a lot in 2019 and we are making some..
Conservative dentistry
Conservative dentistry is the practice of preserving your teeth for as long as possible—basically, it means making options like permanent dentures, implants or porcelain veneers a last resort. When a..
The Mouth’s Natural Antibiotics
Each of us may have inside our mouths a key to the pathological and disease biomarker library hidden inside our bodies. Saliva – the source of all this information –..
How to prevent tooth decay in children
Eating patterns and food choices among children and teens are important factors that affect how quickly youngsters may develop tooth decay. If your diet lacks certain nutrients, it may be..